Monday, January 12, 2009

Peace corps ++

Hi all,

As I attempt to continue my commitment to my digital writing rag, i struggle to find things to write about because im guessing most people would be bored to tears by me writing about my thesis (and if you arent you should come and finish it for me). Anyways, I just booked my peace corps interview for next week, and I am a little nervous about it. I will have to do an update about how it goes when it happens. I am guessing that this is the first mention I have made of me joining the peace corps so i should probably back up and start from the beginning.

At some point last year, I had the fortune to become both dissillusioned in my future as a phycisist and insired by the ongoing primaries. The former resulted from the realization of two things; one being that if i continued down the road I was on, I would live a fairly stable and content life, something that bored me to tears, and second and possibly more important, that at the end of thge day, I am just not good at physics. Now some out there might argue that I have no faith in myself and that I cant be that bad if I made it out of Reed's program, but I respond to them, there are some people who are awesome at street basketball who have no shot at the NBA. I am one of those (but with physics, I really suck something fierce at basketball). The latter of the above mentioned catagory had more to do with the general tone of the election as opposed to my all around effection for President Elect Barack Obama. Hearing Senators John McCain (whom i still admire), Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama (thats a lot of capitilization) talk about service to the nation really struck a chord in me, and inspired me to go out and join the corps. Anyways, school was really busy, and I was retty involved with the election, so I was tied up for quite a few months. Anyhow, in October I picked up the pace. I will give a more detailed piece on my motivations in the near future. But anywhoo that is that

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