Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday after the fact

I continued my work with newly inspired vigor on Saturday at English Bay to where I was registering voters. I worked with Paul who I had met on Thursday and Amy who is not American, but a big fan of Barack Obama. The day was nowhere near as busy as Thursday, we only registered 15 people, but I got to demo my new fundraising gimmick: Change for Change. We raised about 100 dollars for the trip to Nevada which considering how slow it was, was quite a bit.

The day was quite different from Thursday at UBC. Thursday at UBC was a constantly busy, with a lot of traffic and tons of and tons of Americans needing to register. Saturday on the other hand had relatively low traffic, but spending a sunny day on the beach was anything but a waste. We had a lot of people register, many were first time voters, a lot of whom did not even know they could vote. A shout out to my buddy Tito, whose father turns out (i did not know this) to be from Georgia. The downside was I got to see for the first time a real ugly side to Canadians. I was completely taken back by how some people reacted. When asked "Excuse me, are you by chance an American citizen?" I received more "I hate Americans" than "Why yes, I am". I am not sure why there is so much hatred towards the American people in Vancouver, but I found it quite saddening.

Finaly, on a happy note, Tina is back on SNL with what will probably go down as one of the greatest skits of all time

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